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Message for the 76th UN Day from UNACTO President Staci Benny

Staci Benny

UNACTO marks the 76th UN Day at a time when parts of the world have finally begun to emerge from the pandemic. As we look ahead to more peaceful and prosperous days, it is important that we recognize this moment as an opportunity to transform our world for the better. Instead of building back structures that no longer serve us, we can build forward.

Social and economic inequalities, the climate crisis, and protecting peace and security are still challenges that we face. Therefore, it is with great urgency that we achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, right here in Toronto and across the globe.

During the Decade of Action, we must embrace a shift in the way we live and deliver on change for people and the planet.

We can end extreme poverty and hunger.

We can ensure access to healthcare and education for all.

We can protect human rights and our environment.

We must act in solidarity, upholding the principles laid out in the UN Charter 76 years ago. The time is now.


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© 2023 United Nations Association in Canada Toronto Region Branch (UNACTO)

United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) |

Charitable Registration No. 11927-6855 RR0001

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